domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Outline, my outline.

I. I have had a big change in my life, go to Spain. However, I have a normal life here, although I try to enjoy the maximum when I go out with my friends or when I am with my family.

II. Ecuador to Spain
   A) October 13, 2001
        1. I came to Spain with my sister, brother and my little nephew.
   B) It was the beginning of a new life.

III. Friends
    A) It was not easy to make friends.
    B) I was alone.

IV. School
    A) I was bullied.
    B) Little by little I made friends.

V. It was no easy to fit in Spain, but little by little I managed to make friends and meet new people. However, I am still wishing to come back, but I am not sure if I want to stay there because I have had my childhood in this country. 

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